Laurel oil
It is a natural elixir for glowing , healthy smooth & youthful skin.
Laurel essential oil gives off a deliciously sensual, delicate, flower-fruity scent. The leaves are rich in essential oils containing 45% cineole, a bitter substance and tannin. The high percentage of cineole it contains, justifies its action on the body's chemical mechanisms that affect memory and enhance clarity. In addition, it has antiviral, antimicrobial, mucolytic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is ideal for the scalp and helps tackle oiliness in hair. Dioskouridis mentions that the leaves of the laurel are warming and soothing and that the dried leaves have a stronger aroma than the fresh ones. It is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, indigestion and aerophagia.